Class 4A Feature Athlete (Sept. 28)

Name: Calla Dressler
High School: Upper St. Clair
Grade: 12
Position: Libero/Defensive Specialist

Background Info: Dressler has been playing volleyball for six years. She has lettered on varsity for the past two years and was awarded player of the week last year. She also has played lacrosse since she was 12 and has lettered on varsity for the past three years. This year she serves as a co-captain for the USC volleyball team. In addition to athletics, she is a member of the National Honors Society. Her future plans are to attend a big university and to major in nursing.

Quotes from Upper St. Clair coach Kim Manning: "Calla has been key in keeping our team focused and driven throughout the summer and the start of the season. She recognizes the potential her team has and doesn’t want to see that pass them by in her senior year. She also leads by example on the court with her athleticism and discipline. I am excited to watch her compete and look forward to seeing the results of all of her hard work."